How do UN Peacekeeping partnerships drive development and peace?

Millions of helpless people are protected by United Nations troops daily in some of the most precarious political environments and deadly locations on earth. The United Nations does not have a combat army. It is a political effort to assist

Millions of helpless people are protected by United Nations troops daily in some of the most precarious political environments and deadly locations on earth. The United Nations does not have a combat army. It is a political effort to assist in securing enduring peace so that rehabilitation may occur.

Peacekeeping relies heavily on partnerships. The theme of the 29th May International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers is “People Peace Progress: The Power of Partnerships,” which acknowledges the need for a strong and unified approach to saving and improving the lives of the people we serve.

Here are five ways that collaborations for peacekeeping influence change.

Moving climate action forward:

Conflict risk is increased by climate change, and recovery is more challenging. In many regions of the globe, increasing desertification, drought, food insecurity, floods, and water and energy constraint make it more difficult for populations devastated by conflicts to reconstruct their lives. On the front lines of these escalating problems is UN peacekeeping.

COVID-19 pandemic signs at the entrance:

Since the COVID-19 epidemic began, peacekeepers have continued to protect people from harm and uphold peace while assisting national responses to the pandemic.

Radio has been crucial for disseminating accurate information and timely on COVID-19 prevention, treatment, transmission, and best practices throughout the epidemic, mainly in local areas.

Supporting local economic activity:

Conflict-affected communities must be helped to restore their economies if peace persists. The local communities ability to sustain their family financially is helped by the vocational and skills training seminars and services that peacekeepers provide and finance.

Healthy cattle are not just a sign of social standing in South Sudan; they also provide many families with the means to put food on the table, satisfy their nutritional requirements, and send their children to school.

Assisting women and young people in establishing lasting peace:

Managing girls and young people are crucial in determining the choices that impact lives and lead to peace and development. To ensure that girls’ and youths’ concerns are at the centre of political and safety decisions, UN peacekeeping operations support the major participation of these groups.

Increasing the nation’s ability to keep the peace and sustain security:

Building and enhancing national capacity to uphold security, law and order, and efficient police and judicial systems are goals of peacekeeping operations in collaboration with host governments.

Peacekeepers patrol to evaluate the security situation and learn about local community problems while working closely with local communities and the national army. The communities have brought up the shortage of medical supplies and school access during recent patrols.


Peacekeepers collaborate with regional and international partners to help create the conditions for political solutions and sustainable development, from safeguarding civilians in conflict zones and fostering social cohesion to ensuring the safe delivery of humanitarian aid, redeveloping infrastructure, and offering livelihood training to underprivileged communities.

Sir Patrick Bijou is a part of this humanitarian campaign and tries his best to maintain peace all across the globe!