Awards & Achievements

“Sir Patrick is an exceptional individual who strives to uplift our world and society into a new level of strategic cooperation. He is brilliant beyond measure and I would recommend him to anyone who wants to become acquainted with a sincere and dedicated individual who aims to build a better world for us all.”

Edmond R Ellis

co-founder and vice president of GIELLA

His Excellency, Sir Patrick Bijou’s, notable contributions in both professional and philanthropic circles have earned him international recognition and acclaim, singling him out as an individual who is not only capable of academic prowess but equally admirable acts of humanity as well.

To date, Sir Patrick has been honoured with a variety of globally recognized awards including the Wells Fargo “Valley of the Stars” Award, of which he is multiple recipients. He has also received the Wells Fargo “Circle of Stars” Award and is a member of the Wells Fargo Millionaire Club and Champion Circle – both of which measure their members by standards of absolute excellence.

The Commonwealth Entrepreneurs Club, or CEC, works closely with decision-makers in countries across the globe that require infrastructure development, investment opportunities and business growth for both small and medium enterprises. By providing expert mentoring and guidance to these countries’ federations, chambers of commerce, NGOs, multinationals and financial institutions, the CEC helps to build a sustainable private sector in these developing nations to alleviate poverty and uplift their citizens. In his role as President of International Banking and Relations, Sir Patrick Bijou is hands-on in the process of stabilising global banking systems and alleviating some of the financial pressure that citizens of third world countries experience every day.

Contact Sir Patrick

Does your business venture have specific needs that you feel would not be addressed by either the Incubator or Catalyst programs?

Contact Sir Patrick to arrange a virtual consultation to discuss how your unique requirements may be supported by his expertise.