Blog / Reflections
The ever-changing nature of the international business, finance and investment sectors mean that constant study is required to stay ahead of the curve. This page features articles, either written or sourced by His Excellency, Sir Patrick Bijou, that reflect the most important touchpoints in the global business sector weekly as well as tips and ideas on how to stay relevant and in business. Sign up to Sir Patrick’s personal mailing list to receive email alerts and stay up to date with his latest thoughts and musings.
A Beacon of Hope for New Empowerment Initiative-Sierra Leone
Bo, Southern Sierra Leone, West Africa 10th August, 2024 Sir.
Why is there a petrol crisis? Is it due to the Ukraine war?
Tens of thousands of people have died due to the
How do UN Peacekeeping partnerships drive development and peace?
Millions of helpless people are protected by United Nations troops
Sir Patrick’s charity and humanitarian work
Sir Patrick Bijou is an International Court of Justice-International Criminal
Cryptocurrency: How is it going to change future investments?
What do you mean by cryptocurrency? Cryptography generates and controls
Three metrics to observe before investing in crypto during a bear market
Cryptocurrency bear markets deplete portfolio value and have a dangerous